The government is currently releasing lots of data through With new data available every day, it can be really interesting to hunt down data sets and plot them on a graph to get a feel for the numbers. This …
Professor Nigel Shadbolt gave a talk about the power of government data and the work that he and others have been doing to open it up at The Guardian's Activate 2010 conference in July. We have included a video of …
The Local Public Data Panel is an independent panel that exists to promote and facilitate the release of public data. The Panel has played a key role in providing advice on the publication of fine grained and timely local authority … has become one of the finest national open data initiatives in the world - it now has more data than the mighty in the US, with 4,223 datasets, compared to 2,876 over the Atlantic. It's not perfect - …
This is an older version of the guidance, retained for reference. The updated version should be used instead. A key part of the government's Transparency agenda is the opening up of data held by government bodies – from ministerial departments, …
We have talked before about some specialised ways in which to publish our data, especially Linked Data. However, we are mindful of Tim Berners-Lee’s advice to publish in “raw” form first, and then worry about additional means. These forms may …
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