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New Government data explorers on the front page

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We have updated the front page of the site to give access to some tools that let you explore some key datasets we have released. This followed on from feedback about how we can make public data more useful, and having a front page that shows the power of open government data. In particular, there is now a postcode search that gives local information about crime, health and other public services so you can see the data about your area. Other explorers include cross-government data on spending, contracts and ministerial meetings. We have used some excellent data visualisations already out there, and would love to include more excellent examples based on postcodes if you know of them.

Most notably, as part of this we have published the most comprehensive organisational charts of the UK Civil Service ever released online. These "organograms" cover all departments and many agencies, and are based on HR data released in Linked Data form. As Francis Maude, Minister for the Cabinet Office says, this is "about making sure that the workings of the Civil Service continue to be opened up and made as transparent as possible".

Together we hope that these changes take another step towards our goal of being the most transparent government in the world. Please tell us what you think in the comments below, or suggest other local data explorers to which we could link.

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1 comment

  1. Comment by Anonymous posted on

    Not sure if this is the right spot but couldnt find the feedback link on the linked page?

    Bravo - great first step! As a GIS Professional I think that this is definately a a good move - so much data has a geographical component these days and being able to search down to smaller levels opens up the site more for those of us who have to analyse statistics at a more-localised level.

    2 issues Ive noted?:

    1) Is that OpenStreetMap data for the background? Reallly???

    2) Need to tweak the defined projection, map looks odd at moment!