Welcome to the improved data.gov.uk. We have made some considerable changes to the interface on the site, mainly to facilitate discovery, make the site responsive to mobile devices such as tablets and phones and provide hopefully a more elegant experience. …
Data.gov.uk proudly announces: 'Data.gov.uk To Go' - a package containing the software for the well-known open data website Data.gov.uk. This allows other governments and open data communities to quickly install and customize a full open data website and develop it further in partnership with the worldwide …
The UK is leading the world on open data. Open data is publicly released raw data, often from the government or public services, which is made available to everyone so they are free to use or reuse it any way …
INSPIRE years seem to be much shorter than normal human years, well at least that is how it feels having been Northern Ireland’s INSPIRE co-ordinator for the last 5 years. With the next deadline of the EU INSPIRE (Infrastructure for …
Today marks the launch of http://statistics.data.gov.uk as the landing page for access statistical geographies in a linked data format. This linked data site is the culmination of three years' work that started with a request in 2010 by the UK …
The Government of Canada remains committed to fostering the principles of Open Government. It offers Canadians greater opportunities to learn about and participate in government, in the economy, and in our democratic process. The Honourable Tony Clement, President of …
Open Data User Group (ODUG) Response to HMRC data sharing consultation – September 2013 Last December ODUG made the case for the release of the UK Vat Register as Open Data. As a result, in July this year HMRC opened a consultation …
We have published a draft version of a major refresh to the Defra Network Open Data Strategy for your comments. In the spirit of being open this document has been published much earlier than we would normally publish a strategy to make sure we can capture views from the open data community from the start.
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