The European Commission has put out a call inviting metadata experts who directly or indirectly work on data portals hosting spatial data to participate in a new Working Group to develop the GeoDCAT-AP specification. GeoDCAT-AP will make it easier to …
The European Commission has launched a Europe-wide survey on Earth observation in a global context, called: A public consultation on possible EU actions in relation to global coordination of Earth observations via the Group on Earth Observations (GEO). The survey …
The Commission has today launched an INSPIRE thematic clusters platform which is aimed at data providers, implementers and users. The aim is to support INSPIRE implementation and maintenance by sharing experiences and best practices, raising questions and resolving issues. The 34 INSPIRE …
The INSPIRE Conference and Geospatial World Forum 2015 will be jointly organised on 25-29 May 2015 in Lisbon, Portugal. The joint conference will carry the theme Convergence: Policies + Practices + Processes via PPP, which aim to address the need …
Although you may have missed the call for thematic clusters facilitators that the Joint Research Centre (JRC) published over the holidays there is still time to register an interest (but note the deadline for applying is the 19th September 2014). …
Like some central government departments that published their data to fulfil the requirements of the INSPIRE directive, local authorities in England are expected to do the same. If we learned anything from the central government departments that implemented INSPIRE earlier …
Data.gov.uk, Defra and EDINA are pleased to announce that a new UK Location Metadata Editor is now available at https://locationmde.data.gov.uk. The new UK Location Metadata Editor offers providers and publishers with a quick and easy way of creating and publishing …
In line with the monitoring and reporting requirements of the INSPIRE Directive the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs has recently submitted the UK’s annual INSPIRE Monitoring Indicators Report to the Commission. The 2014 report (http://data.gov.uk/dataset/uk-2013-inspire-monitoring-indicators-report) covers the calendar year …
AGI Workshop: Do we need an Open Standards Forum for geographic information in the UK? What: Do you or your organisation use standards for geographic information? Are you aware what standards exist? Are you sure of how and when to …
There are more than 4 000 INSPIRE datasets now published on data.gov.uk. This provides a huge opportunity for spatial data users to start reaping the benefits of INSPIRE. However benefits are not solely enjoyed by data users. Publishers of INSPIRE data, …
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