Looking forward to Open Data Camp 2017

This weekend the open data community will come together for the fourth Open Data Camp in Cardiff. But what can we expect from the event?
Deputy Director, Policy and International
This weekend the open data community will come together for the fourth Open Data Camp in Cardiff. But what can we expect from the event?
Last month the Open Government Partnership (OGP) celebrated its fifth birthday in the margins of the UN General Assembly in New York. It was an exciting milestone for an organisation which has grown over five short years from an ambitious …
Last week Open Knowledge published the third edition of their annual Global Open Data Index. This year Taiwan topped the table of 122 countries, with the UK finishing second - pipped to the top spot after two years as the …
Cabinet Office is today opening nominations for the 2015 Open Government Awards. We want to recognise the reformers up and down the country that are helping make our government more open, accountable and responsive to citizens. This year’s theme is …
As many of our readers and contributors will be aware, the General Election on May 7th is approaching and the UK civil service is now going into purdah. Purdah is the several weeks before an election when the essential business of …
When we set out on a journey towards greater transparency, our focus was squarely on getting data out of government and into the hands of citizens. We worked with central government departments to support commitments set out in their Open …
As this is my first blog post on data.gov.uk (indeed, my very first blog post anywhere, ever), I should probably start by introducing myself. I’m Ollie Buckley, and since December last year, I’ve been leading the Transparency Team in the …
You can read about how we're using performance analysis and data science in government on the cross-government data blog.
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