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Data Sharing

Troubled Families and the Digital Economy Bill

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Data Sharing, Government Data Programme, Making better use of data, Policy, Public Service

Sarah Henry, GM Connect, Manchester City Council Life is complicated; for some, extremely so. Although no two stories are alike, there are some tell-tale signs that individuals or families are struggling. Imagine poverty and hardship, struggle paying bills and rent …

Government data and the Digital Economy Bill

Better access to reliable and accurate data has the power to improve lives. This is the fundamental building block of all public services and has to be part of any digital transformation. We can see the power of good quality …

Re-engaging with our external data users

...Whitehall: from data science, registers, open data and preparations for possible data access legislation. I’ve put the slides I used up on Slideshare. John Pullinger the National Statistician and Chair...

Institute for Government Whitehall Monitor report

The Institute for Government (IfG) recently produced the third of its Whitehall Monitor reports. If you haven’t had a look you should - it’s an interesting and well-written report by Gavin Freeguard and team that summarises the current state of …