Open Data
In February this year, the Cabinet Office Transparency Team started to tackle the problem of broken links on These are links to data files listed on that give an error when you click to download them. The public …
While many are familiar with The British Library from TV documentaries featuring its rich collections, one of its lesser known roles is that of supplying metadata internationally for all new UK publications via ‘The British National Bibliography’(BNB). What …
The Ambition Leeds is a fabulous city and has the ambition to be the best city in the UK. What makes this city great are the people and the communities they create. Leeds sits at the centre of a City …
This post is a short introduction to new, innovative open data services from the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG), Local Government Association (LGA), and the Hampshire Hub Partnership. They are: ? DCLG’s OpenDataCommunities LinkedData publishing and …
“Statistical thinking will one day be as necessary for efficient citizenship as the ability to read and write.” Samuel S. Wilks In an address to the American Statistical Association in 1951, Samuel Wilks paraphrased a passage from H.G. Wells’s book, …
How do you keep a dozen teenagers entertained for an afternoon? I suspect the usual answer is not to put them in a room with no windows and give them a large pile of CSV files. That’s why some of …
Geographic information (GI) is a major element in defining context for knowledge that can then be exposed in many different ways to end users. The potential societal, economic and scientific benefits of integrating GI into commercial and institutional processes is …
We are pleased to announce the new OpenDataCommunities “Stats Selector”: a user-friendly tool allowing you to pick and mix data from multiple DCLG sources for download in a single, re-usable file. We have built the “Stats Selector” for two main …
Focus: Earlier this year the government invited Stephan Shakespeare, CEO of YouGov and Chair of the Data Strategy Board, to carry out a review of Public Sector Information. In his conclusions Stephan suggested that it would be helpful to set …
If you have come to wondering what open data is all about, this short guide will provide you with the basic information you need to start playing with government data and will point you to tools and resources that …
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