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Call for proposals for the first Government Data Science Conference

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The GDS data science team works to support the use and development of data science in government through collaboration with departments on projects and by supporting capability through our community, accelerator programme and work on career paths. We also support colleagues in unlocking barriers they may face in data science - helping raise awareness with policy colleagues and sharing best practice.

On 24 April, we’ll be hosting the first ever Government Data Science Conference at Conway Hall, London and we are asking you to submit your proposals to deliver either a show and tell, demo or talk as part of the conference.

Why now?

As highlighted in the latest Civil Service Quarterly, data science tools and techniques like natural language processing, geospatial analysis and predictive modelling have the potential to transform how government operates and makes decisions.

Prototype projects have been created that improve how regulators can prioritise interventions, identify noncompliance as well as enable effective operational and policy decision making. Recently data science techniques have been used to classify user comments and improve services on GOV.UK, and by the Department for Transport to identify high risk cycle routes using geospatial data.

Departments are going through the process of discovering how data science can be applied to their priorities and there is a lot we can learn from each other.

The Government Data Science Conference

To showcase work underway and think about what next for data science in government, GDS is leading the organisation of the first Government Data Science Conference. It will take place on 24 April 2017 at Conway Hall, London. The conference is an opportunity to connect communities interested in the better use of data in government including data scientists, analysts and policymakers.

We want to use the conference to highlight how data science is being applied to challenges across government. We also want to look into how departments are organisationally growing teams and building capabilities to deliver. Our goals are to equip participants with how data science is being applied, some successes and challenges, and what we need to do across government whether you are a data scientist, policy maker or communications expert - to become more data driven.

We’re launching an ‘open call’ for individuals and teams across the public sector to submit proposals to deliver either a show and tell, demo or talk as part of the conference. We’re welcoming people who would like to talk about a specific project they’ve worked on, a particular aspect of data science, such as machine learning, or how they’ve approached building data science capabilities in their team.

Our organising committee is made up of data scientists, analysts and policymakers, with representation from the Office for National Statistics, HM Revenue and Customs, Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Defence.

Submit a proposal for the Government Data Science Conference. Applications close on 28 February 2017.

Register your interest to attend the Government Data Science Conference.

To join the data science community of interest, email us.

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