Making it simpler to publish data

We've been making improvements to the publishing process on to make it easier for users to find the information they need.
We've been making improvements to the publishing process on to make it easier for users to find the information they need.
We recently shared what we've learned so far about how government data is published. This has already helped us think about how we can improve the way we do this, but we still want to know more about users at …
This week we have launched a revamped system for publishing data on staff roles and salaries across government departments, agencies and other bodies. This ‘organogram’ data shows the hierarchy of senior civil servants, their pay and responsibilities. Junior staff are …
We want more citizens and businesses to find open government data - and for that data to be as useful as possible. Our users have told us that problems with the quality of the data available through mean that …
...need to understand why this is. It's a big challenge and we can’t do it by ourselves, so we’re working with the registers team and our colleagues in data science...
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