Discovering how data is published

...need to understand why this is. It's a big challenge and we can’t do it by ourselves, so we’re working with the registers team and our colleagues in data science...
...need to understand why this is. It's a big challenge and we can’t do it by ourselves, so we’re working with the registers team and our colleagues in data science...
There is a lot of talk about APIs in government right now, and how they affect the work we are doing at GDS. We thought it was worth sharing how we approach APIs when it comes to is …
Addresses are a critical part of our national data infrastructure, but address terminology can be really confusing. We thought it would be useful to explain how we talk about addresses
What’s address matching and why do we need it? Departments, agencies and other service providers will often request and maintain their own address information. However, each organisation will capture slightly different information about an address or may store it in …
We’re making some changes to how the homepage looks. This will help our users to understand what the site is for, what types of data we have, and how they can search the catalogue. The previous design highlighted open …
The Data Science Accelerator is a cross-government training programme. It’s backed by GDS, the Office for National Statistics, Government Office for Science, and the analytical professions (statistics, economics, operational research and social research). Forty-one people from 26 organisations across the …
...possible. We started with open registers and, in true GDS style, we began with sticky notes. Collecting words Our team, including developers, a content designer and a technical architect collected...
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